Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
![]() Medieval Monday Week #5 It's another Monday, and I'm welcoming the marvelous Mary Morgan today. She's sharing my First Kiss excerpt from The Highlander's Pirate Bride on her blog here: Be sure and check the other authors' links to their fabulous snippets on the Medieval Romance Lover's page on Facebook here: Here's what's happening in Mary's book, Magnar, the first book in her new Wolves of Clan Sutherland series. Magnar has been ordered by King William to offer marriage to Elspeth Gunn to secure an alliance and protection for the new young chieftain—her nephew. The marriage is not looked upon as favorable to Magnar nor Elspeth.
5/11/2020 10 Comments Medieval Monday with Mary Morgan!![]() Medieval Monday week #2 This week, Mary Morgan is with me to share a snippet from her book, To Weave a Highland Tapestry. You'll find my bit for this week from The Prince's Highland Bride on Mary's blog: Do they dare unravel the past for a future of love? Blurb: Patrick MacFhearguis, hardened by battles won and lost, desires what he can never have—peace within his heart and soul. Yet, the ever-meddling Fae weave a new journey for him to conquer—a task this highlander is determined to resist. When skilled weaver, Gwen Hywel, is commissioned to create a tapestry for the MacFhearguis clan, she embraces the assignment. While seeking out ideas, she finds herself clutching the one thread that can alter the tapestry of her life and heart. A man conflicted by past deeds. A woman with no family of her own. Is it possible for love to unravel an ancient past, in order to claim two badly scarred hearts? Or will the light of hope be doused forever? 11/25/2019 14 Comments Medieval Monday with Mary Morgan![]() Medieval Monday Week #2 Mary Morgan's exciting new book is due to release December 9, so be sure and grab your copy now! Her excerpt is all about Midwinter and kissing boughs! You'll find my excerpt from The Highlander's Crusader Bride on Mary's blog here: Blurb: Patrick MacFhearguis, hardened by battles won and lost, desires what he can never have—peace within his heart and soul. Yet, the ever- meddling Fae weave a new journey for him to conquer—a task this highlander is determined to resist. When skilled weaver, Gwen Hywel, is commissioned to create a tapestry for the MacFhearguis clan, she embraces the assignment. While seeking out ideas, she finds herself clutching the one thread that can alter the tapestry of her life and heart. A man conflicted by past deeds. A woman with no family of her own. Is it possible for love to unravel an ancient past, in order to claim two badly scarred hearts? Or will the light of hope be doused forever? ![]() Help me welcome Mary Morgan to week #2 of our summer round of Medieval Monday excerpts. Mary brings us a peek from her book, Dragon Knight's Ring, Order of the Dragon Knights, book 5. What evil awaits the Dragon Knights? You'll find this week's excerpt from my book on her blog here: Dragon Knight's Ring Excerpt: Conn, Liam, and Rory stood on the outside of the stones. They had stripped to their trews, their arms upward. Celtic tattoos and spiral patterns blazed forth down their massive arms and body. The power of the Fenian warriors had transformed each. The power built, grew. Blue light surrounded each warrior as they chanted the ancient words to seal the realms of all worlds. She glanced down. The book lay at her feet, safe, protected. Magic guarded the ancient tome, and she clung to the Staff of Knowledge, waiting. Her brothers stood in a circle around her, and she watched the druid Cathal walking around them, saying a prayer of protection. When he finished, he nodded to them and retreated with the other druids to the trees. Layers upon layers of fortification. Awaiting the final battle between good and evil. Follow along next week on Barbara’s blog and leave a comment for a chance to win a signed print copy of Dragon Knight’s Ring. Book Blurb: Crusader, Adam MacFhearguis is on one last quest to the standing stones in Scotland where he seeks to bury the past. However, a silent prayer sends him to an unknown future and to his beloved Meggie. When he uncovers a shocking revelation, Adam questions everything about the woman he thought he knew and loved. He may have traveled the veil of ages, but time is now his enemy. Margaret MacKay lives a life in the future without the memories of her past—her death. When Adam arrives at her door confessing he knows her, she is confused and wary. With each passing day, she yearns to learn more from this stranger. Yet, when a truth is revealed, can she trust the man to unlock the chains from her mind and heart? Will love free the bonds to unite the two lovers who were doomed centuries ago? Or will evil finally claim victory over the Dragon Knights? * * * Buy Links: Amazon: ebook/dp/B01HDWY8S2/ B&N: morgan/1123986946?ean=2940158146312 Kobo: Apple iBooks: 4/22/2019 5 Comments Medieval Monday with Mary Morgan![]() Medieval Monday week 12 'Tis the next to last week for our Medieval Monday Excerpts Blog Hop. I hope you've enjoyed the tour and have found excerpts that pique your interest. Today, Mary Morgan joins me with an excerpt from her book, A Highland Moon enchantment. You'll find my excerpt on her blog here: Enjoy! Blurb: (You first met this warrior in Dragon Knight’s Axe, Order of the Dragon Knights, Book 3) Irish warrior, Desmond O’Quinlan has never surrendered his heart to any woman. He has no wish to have his soul tortured by love. Yet, the moment he locks gazes with Ailsa, his fate is destined for an adventure he never fathomed. He may have battled alongside a Dragon Knight, but his greatest challenge will come from within his own heart. Ailsa MacDuff, a warrior among her clan, has no desire to have a man chain her to a life of obedience. However, that is before she meets Desmond. The temptation to allow this warrior inside her heart is a risk she dares to take, but one that could lead to a future of emptiness and sorrow. When betrayal looms from within, the battleground of love is no match for these two warriors. Can the power of a Highland full moon be strong enough to unite or destroy them? Excerpt:
“Father,” she sobbed, slumping down beside him and placing a hand near his nose. “Thank the Gods and Goddesses.” She looked up at Desmond. “He lives, though his breathing is shallow.” He watched as she inspected the wound on his head and arm, noticing the odd position of the limb. “I fear ’tis broken.” “Aye,” she agreed. “We must straighten the arm.” He crouched down beside her. “I can help ye. ’Tis best we do it while he is not awake.” Standing, she wiped a hand across her brow. “I will need my pouch of herbs, salves, and linens. Tam can assist me.” Desmond stood and glanced at Alastair. “Have ye found any alive?” Alastair motioned behind him. “Only one. He took a blow to the head, but lives. Tam is tending to his injuries.” Ailsa brushed past Desmond. “Did he say who it was?” “I believe he mentioned the name of Muir.” “Thank ye, Mother Danu,” she muttered, running off in the direction Alastair gestured. * * * Follow along next week for the exciting conclusion on Mary Morgan's blog and leave a comment for a chance to win a signed print copy of A Highland Moon Enchantment. And don't forget to return here next week for the rest of the excerpt from The Highlander's Welsh Bride! Buy Links for A Highland Moon Enchantment: AMAZON: B&N: morgan/1127176325 Apple iBooks: enchantment/id1294140045?mt=11 Kobo: |
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