Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
12/30/2019 4 Comments Medieval Monday with Laurel O'Donnell![]() Week #7 Who else thinks this is a beautiful cover? I just love it! Laurel O'Donnell is sharing an excerpt from A Knight Before Christmas today's Medieval Monday blog. You'll find my snippet from The Highlander's Crusader Bride on Laurel's blog here: Excerpt: Gabriel had stood beside her, hearing the callous words, as he approached. His brother was a cad. But when Eve lifted her tear ringed eyes to him, Gabriel felt his stomach drop. All he wanted to do was go into the room and bash his brother in the face. Instead, he hooked an arm around her shoulders and guided her away, down the hall, away from the Great Hall, away from the room with his brother. He felt a hitch in her breathing as they walked and squeezed her tight. “Do not waste your tears on such hateful words,” he whispered. “You are far from repulsive.” * * * Drop by to continue reading the excerpt from A Knight Before Christmas next week at Ruth A Casie’s website –
![]() I'm sharing the blog hop today with Laurel O'Donnell and an excerpt from her book A Knight with Grace. You can find my excerpt from The Highlander's Crusader Bride on her blog: Don't forget to leave a comment to enter to win an ebook from me! Excerpt A Knight with Grace “You are not a danger to me.” He looked at her in disbelief. “I put a sword to your neck.” “You would not have harmed me.” Her tone was confident. * * * Please join Laurel for the continuing excerpt next week at Ruth A. Casie’s blog – You'll find my next excerpt on Jenna Jaxon's blog: * * *
Book Blurb: Lady Grace Willoughby defies her father’s orders to marry Sir William de Tracy and escapes with a friend. She has no intention of wedding a cursed man, a man ostracized from the church, a man who would only doom any future children they might have to the fires of Hell. She prays for a knight to rescue her. Excommunicated and outcast for a horrible crime in his past, Sir William de Tracy searches for forgiveness. Marriage has never crossed his mind until Lord Willoughby commissions him to retrieve his fleeing daughter and honor the dying wish of his father by marrying Grace. But things are not as they seem. And when an assassin tries to kill Grace, William must choose between his soul and the woman he has come to love. Can William and Grace overcome their past and find the redemption and love both are so desperately seeking? Buy Link – Amazon - ![]() It's week 6 of our blog hop, and time to welcome Laurel O'Donnell to the blog as she shares her next snippet of her hero and heroine's first encounter from her book, The Angel and the Prince. Excerpt: She recovered with a nervous laugh. “Do you take me for a fool? Shall I release your bonds so you can snap my neck with your bare hands?” He turned his unscathed cheek toward her. “Perhaps you’d like to cut this side.” Ryen stood, appalled. However, his goading made the idea attractive, and she raised the sharp blade to press it against his skin. Her knuckles brushed his cheek and a tremor ran down her spine. She stared for a long moment at his profile, realizing how close she was to him, and that the shiver was neither coldness nor repulsion. She enjoyed touching his skin. Angry with the knowledge and with herself, she narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Her hand trembled as she pulled the blade away. “You’d like it too much.” “Bitch,” he snarled. * * * Follow along next week for Laurel's 7th snippet at Ruth A Casie’s website – Don’t forget to leave a comment for your chance to win a signed copy of The Angel and the Prince! You can find my 6th snippet at Laurel's blog: Remember to comment for another chance at winning an ebook from each of our Medieval Monday authors! * * * Blurb: In this exciting medieval romance, the French lady knight known as the Angel of Death wages a battle of wills and desires against her dreaded enemy -- the English warrior known as the Prince of Darkness. Ryen De Bouriez is a French warrior, dedicated to protecting her country against the hated English. In place of glittering ball gowns, she wears shining armor. Instead of practicing the gentler arts, she wields a sword. Those who whisper her name in fear and awe call her the Angel of Death. Bryce Princeton is the Prince of Darkness, an English knight sent by his king to find and destroy their most hated adversary -- the Angel of Death. Little does he know that his enemy is no man at all, but a beautiful woman who will challenge his heart and honor at every turn. Forced to choose between love and honor, the Angel and the Prince wage a battle of wills that challenges everything they have ever believed in. * * * Buy Link for The Angel and the Prince by Laurel O’Donnell – Amazon - ![]() Summer and winter are all rolled into one in Mistletoe Magic by Laurel O'Donnell. Excerpt: Yuletide. It had always made Jaclyn Fainwick excited and happy with the potential of what the future held. This one day, amongst all the rest, was when every hope, every dream could come true. She loved this day above all the rest in the year. She sat before the hearth in the Great Hall, waiting for the festivities to begin, swinging her feet back and forth. She had been waiting for most of the day. Her father would come, and her mother, and her brother. All the people she loved would be together on this day. No matter where they were or what they were doing, they would always gather together on the Yuletide. She twisted and looked behind the large wooden chair she sat in. The shadows at the back of the Hall were getting long as the sun set, stretching dark fingers into the Great Hall. But no one was coming. She turned back and clutched her hands in her lap. If she were very good, her father would bring her something wonderful. A strand of her long dark hair had pulled free of the braid at her back and she swatted it back in place. The flames danced in the hearth, warming her. She had been alive for ten Yuletides, this would make her eleventh, enough to know that the Yule log would soon be burned. It wouldn’t be long now. Around her, the servants cleared the tables from the feast. A dog rushed beneath the table to gobble up a scrap of the duck that had fallen. Suddenly, booted footsteps echoed down the hall. Her stomach lurched with excitement and Jaclyn turned to see her friend, Alexander, run into the Great Hall, followed by her brother, Paul. She sat back in disappointment. Alexander reached her side first, skidding to a halt on the rushes. “I told you she’d be in here,” Paul said, stopping at her other side. He was out of breath as if he had run a far distance. His brown hair was in a disarray on his head; his blue jupon was askew, his black boots dirty. Alexander looked at her and grinned. Jaclyn's heart lurched at his twinkling blue eyes, as it always did. Even at thirteen summers, Alexander was the most handsome boy she had ever met. His blonde hair reached to his shoulders and always had just the right amount of wave to it. He was not dressed as nicely as Paul, but he carried himself with more confidence. He usually wore a leather vest and black leggings, the same he was wearing on this Yuletide. He met her gaze. “Your father is coming,” he said with restrained exuberance. She turned in her chair to face the door. “I was going to tell her,” Paul complained. It didn’t matter who told her. Outside the door in the hallway, Jaclyn heard heavy footsteps. It sounded like the entire village was with her father! She could barely sit still in her exhilaration. A moment skipped by and then her father appeared. He was the tallest man of all the men following behind him, his shoulders broad, his hair dark. He was surrounded by knights and villagers. They entered the hall behind him as he walked toward her. She stood to greet him. “My dove,” he whispered and greeted her with a hug. She embraced him. He pulled back to look at her. “Before we light the Yule log, I want to give you this. You have been a very good girl this year, and a wonderful daughter.” He held something out to her. Jaclyn hadn’t noticed he was carrying anything. She looked down to see he was holding a branch with green leaves and white berries. She gasped, “It’s beautiful!” and took the branch from his hand. “The berries reminded me of the winter snow,” her father said softly. Jaclyn nodded. “But the green leaves belong in the summer!” She looked up at him. “The trees have long since lost their leaves. Where did you find it?” “I had to travel very far to find it.” he told her, leaning in to add, “It’s magical.” “Like Yuletide!” Jaclyn gasped. Her father smiled and nodded. “That’s why I brought it to you now. Keep it safe, child.” Jaclyn nodded and hurried through the villagers and gathered guests. She paused to glance back at her father. He was silhouetted before the warm hearth fire, his arms on his hips, watching her. She curtseyed slightly. “Thank you, Father.” He dipped his head in a nod. Jaclyn knew the perfect place to keep it safe. The perfect spot for it. She raced to her room and flung a cloak about her shoulders. She paused to stare at the branch. It was amazing. Summer and winter, all rolled up into one glorious plant. She gently touched one of the berries. “Father’s going to light the Yule log.” * * * Blurb from Mistletoe Magic – A confident knight arrives home to find his childhood friend grown into much more than he remembered. The lady of the castle keeps a dangerous secret that threatens all she holds dear. Will Mistletoe Magic save them? Buy Link: Amazon - |
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