Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
![]() Today's spotlight is on an excerpt from Lane McFarland's book, Elsbeth. Another peek into our hero and heroine's First Encounter. EXCERPT Thirteen: The nun’s guileless belief indicated her innocence in the ways of men in battle. After Longshank’s defeat at Stirling Castle, Edward meant to set an example and strike fear in the Scots. His barbaric, depraved acts were taken on all women, including those devoted to the church in an attempt to terrify and bend the people to his will. “Ye are not safe, especially in this house of worship.” * * * Join Lane next week to find out what happens on her blog! And you can find my snippet for week #13 on Lane's blog today! * * * BLURB: Elsbeth MacDougall recoils at the violent Scottish rebellion and the bleak plight of orphans. Vowing to protect the homeless, she embarks on a journey to Scone and sets her course to become a nun, sheltering children from the cruelties of war. But when Brandon McLeod arrives at the Abby, he shakes her convictions and stirs provoking emotions she buried long ago. After English soldiers murder his family, Brandon McLeod determines a course of revenge and leads numerous clans in Scotland’s fight for freedom. Bent on the annihilation of English oppression, he is resolved to a life of solitude, vowing never to marry and chance the pain of losing loved ones again. However, that was before he met the enchanting Elsbeth. BUY LINK: Amazon
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![]() Bambi Lynn joins me today with an excerpt from her erotic short story, The Viking Bron. Week 12: Leda tossed the satchel containing everything she owned in the world—two extra shifts, a comb, and a pair of knitted socks—into the corner. Fear and uncertainty threatened to be her undoing, but she tamped down her anxiety and did as he bade her. * * * Follow along next week at Ruth A. Casie’s blog. Be sure to comment for a chance to win an e-copy of Bron. You can find my week 12 snippet from The Highlander's Viking Bride on Bambi's blog HERE. * * * Blurb: After escaping the brutal tyrant who holds her under his boot, Leda’s newfound hope is shattered to discover her safe-haven to be nothing more than a den of brutal Norsemen, intent on conquering all of Francia and claiming its riches for their own. When she is offered as a bed slave to the fiercest Viking of them all, she despairs to realize freedom comes at a price. Brondulf Adilson has struck terror into his enemies for as long as he can remember, to include the women who share his bed. Shunned for his frightful appearance, he doesn’t expect compliance from his new thrall and is resigned to forcing her to his will. But the beauty he finds himself saddle with turns out to be anything but meek and compliant. Buy Link Amazon ![]() Judith Sterling joins me today in the Medieval Monday blog hop First Encounter series with her book Soul of the Wolf. Excerpt, Week 11: She shook her head. “You return if you like. I’d rather stay.” “To be drenched by the storm?” “’Twill be refreshing. I’m still warm from the walk.” A cold raindrop splashed onto Wulfstan’s cheek. “I doubt you’ll remain so. Come, don your mantle and—” “There’s no need. I’m quite warm-blooded. I was about to propose you take my mantle back to the keep. ’Tis cumbersome when wet.” * * * My snippet from The Highlander's Viking Bride is on Judith's blog HERE. * * * Soul of the Wolf – Blurb A Norman loyalist, Lady Jocelyn bristles when ordered to marry Wulfstan, a Saxon sorcerer. She nurses a painful secret and would rather bathe in a cesspit than be pawed by such a man...until her lifelong dream of motherhood rears its head. A man of magic and mystery, Wulfstan has no time for wedded bliss. He fears that consummating their marriage will bind their souls and wrench his focus from the ancient riddle his dying mother begged him to solve. He's a lone wolf, salving old wounds with endless work. But Jocelyn stirs him as no woman ever has. Their attraction is undeniable. Their fates are intertwined. Together, they must face their demons and bring light to a troubled land. Buy Links Buy at The Wild Rose Press Buy at Amazon Buy at Barnes and Noble ![]() Let's welcome Ruth A. Casie to the Medieval Monday blog hop today! She's offering a snippet from her book, The Guardian's Witch. Excerpt Nine: “Good day, Lisbeth. I’ll leave you to your patient.” Bryce’s voice was courteous yet arrogant. Mine. The whispered thought rang in his head. The very idea startled him. Lisbeth looked at Bryce. “Good day, Bryce.” Alex heard the touch of sadness in her voice. Then all was quiet. The flexing fist at Bryce’s side was not lost on Alex. Neither was Bryce’s discomfort at Lisbeth’s silence and steady stare. “Ann, send word when … I will need to tell the king,” Bryce mumbled. The door closed behind him. “You can wash up here.” * * * You can find my snippet on Ruth's blog today HERE: * * * Blurb: England, 1290 Lord Alex Stelton can't resist a challenge, especially one with a prize like this: protect a castle on the Scottish border for a year, and it's his. Desperate for land of his own, he'll do anything to win the estate—even enter a proxy marriage to Lady Lisbeth Reynolds, the rumored witch who lives there. Feared and scorned for her second sight, Lisbeth swore she'd never marry, but she is drawn to the handsome, confident Alex. She sees great love with him but fears what he would think of her gift and her visions of a traitor in their midst. Despite his own vow never to fall in love, Alex can't get the alluring Lisbeth out of his mind and is driven to protect her when attacks begin on the border. But as her visions of danger intensify, Lisbeth knows it is she who must protect him. Realizing they'll secure their future only by facing the threat together, she must choose between keeping her magic a secret and losing the man she loves. Buy Links: Amazon: BN: iBook: KOBO: s-witch ![]() Today I'm welcoming Mary Morgan to the Medieval Monday blog hop as she shares the next installment in our First Encounter series from her book, Dragon Knight's Axe. Snippet: An inspection… Then a third man jumped down from the boat and circled around her. “’Tis clothing I have never seen. Perchance, she is one of them.” Fiona backed away from the men. Good God, they were looking at her like some sort of specimen. She retreated right into the arms of a fourth man. “Whoa, little elf, can I be of service?” She stumbled away from him, but received a huge smile. “Do not try and use your charms on her. It is Alastair’s slave,” grumbled the first man. Alastair pointed at Fiona. “She is not my slave, Gunnar.” Gunnar crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me, why did you buy her then?” Placing his hands on his hips, he glared at all of them. “I will take her back to the O’Quinlan.” Fiona flinched. What was he saying? Who was this other O’Quinlan? And why did her captor’s name sound familiar? Something snapped inside of her. “Like hell you will.” * * * Follow along next week for Mary's next snippet on Barbara Bettis’s blog My snippet for this week is on Mary's blog: HERE Leave a comment for a chance to win a digital copy of Dragon Knight’s Axe by Mary Morgan. Blurb: Alastair MacKay, a battled-scarred Dragon Knight flees to the sea to separate himself from his fae-given power connecting him to the land. But it is on land that he rescues a woman from a slave trader in Ireland. It is through Fiona he steps back inadvertently into a world filled with magic—taking on the role of protector and at the same time leading him on a journey to confront his greatest regret and fears. Research assistant, Fiona O’Quinlan loves translating ancient artifacts at Trinity College. When she falls asleep on an archeological dig, she awakens in another time. She soon discovers a Dragon Knight’s relic has been entrusted into her care. Determined to return the artifact to the Great Glen, Fiona is unprepared for the danger ahead—losing her heart and soul to Alastair “Beast” MacKay. Will their love be strong enough to soothe the beast and heal the man? Or will Death swing its axe, leaving them lost for all eternity? Buy Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo iBooks |
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