Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
12/30/2014 1 Comment Guest blog with Miriam Newman![]() I'd like to welcome Miriam Newman to my blog today. She's here to share her newest book, Ice Maiden, The Chronicles of Alcinia: Part III Ice Maiden is a Fantasy historical now available for pre-order, to be delivered to your Kindle or other application on Christmas Day! This is the third book in the series, which includes The King’s Daughter and Heart of the Earth. ICE MAIDEN The Chronicles of Alcinia – Part III By Miriam Newman When a simple farm girl attracts the notice of the King’s half brother, it leads to a dazzling world of privilege, intrigue, passion and war. EXCERPT: Snow lay on the ground. It was only first snow, a taste of winter, but enough to let us follow churned-up prints and splotches of blood down the slope towards the beach. That was where our men had made their stand. I saw that the ships that had brought us supplies had been roped together to make a great floating platform and put out to sea away from the beach to intercept ships coming in. A second line—of men—seemed to have been deployed on the beach. There were bodies there and in the water with more washing up, and a few ships half sunk in the tide, their sails burned. Everything smelled charred. There were Havacians and Omanis on the beach, helping the injured—ours, at least. If they were Armatican, that was their last dawn. No one would bring them to us for care. My lord was easy to spot. He was taller even than most Havacians, and he was unhelmeted. I wondered with a sense of exasperation if he had even bothered to shield his head. That man was born for battle. Probably he had enjoyed it. Son of a general indeed. Now I believed it. Regardless, I went down to him through small hummocks of bodies and battle gear strewn across snow and sand. All of the women were looking for their men, and now I was one of them. He was flushed with cold and battle fever, still carrying a gory sword that he plunged into the snow as though cleaning it, but he was not. He didn’t want me to see the blood, but I caught his distinct look of victory touching on defiance as he did it. He was what he was, that look said. Take it or leave it. This now blood-drenched island was not what I had ever envisioned as a home. He was not the man I’d thought of in my dreams. I had never had much time for dreams, anyway, and I wouldn’t now—there was going to be too much work to do. But I thought now I would do it with him. PRE ORDER LINK: * * * Fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends has been Miriam’s passion for as long as she can remember. She was published in poetry before catching the romance writing bug. She brings that background to her writing along with a lifelong addiction to horses, an 18 year career in various areas of psychiatric social services and many trips to Ireland, where she nurtures her muse. Her published works range from contemporary fantasy romance to fantasy historical, futuristic, science fiction and historical romance. Currently she lives in rural Pennsylvania with a “motley crew” of rescue animals. You can view her books at
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12/26/2014 0 Comments December 26th, 2014I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! And remember, gift cards are a great way to load your Kindle or Nook with your favorite books!
Join me on Ashley York's blog for a special Scottish Christmas offering, and a beautiful poem by Alexander Grey called Christmas Carol. Here is the last verse of Mr. Grey's poem- check out the post on Ashley's blog for the entire poem, or visit the site below "...For the bairn that was born that nicht i’ the sta’ Cam doon frae Heaven to tak awa’ Oor fecklessness, and bring us a’ Safe hame in the hender-en’. Lord, at this Yule-tide send us licht, Hae mercy on us and herd us richt. For the sake o’ the bairnie born that nicht, O, mak us better men!" Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and blessed holiday season! ![]() Welcome, Wareeze Woodson and her novel, An Enduring Love, to this week's Thursday's Threads! Blurb: Born and raised in Latvia, Rebecca Balodis marries Rhys Sudduth, an English diplomat. Shortly thereafter, he is summoned home to attend his father’s death-bed. Rebecca cannot accompany him at the time and becomes trapped in the turmoil plaguing her country. He is informed she died in the upheaval. Nearly four years later, she escapes and arrives in London with their son in tow. Arriving in the middle of his sister’s ball is very awkward, especially since Rhys plans to announce his betrothal to a young debutante later in the evening. Trouble, tangled in suspense and danger, follow her from Latvia. Can this pair ever find or even recognize an enduring love? Is it worth keeping? An Added Bonus Feature! Letters discovered in the belongings of the villain. These letters are not revealed in the book but are held in my heart and give insight to the story. A tidbit solely for you. Enjoy. Wareeze Woodson The Year of Our Lord 1813 My Dearest Husband, I write with my heart filled with sorrow. My beloved mother has passed on to join my father in Heaven. I can only be happy for her although sadness weighs me down. I am now acquainted with deep sadness and how you must mourn for your father. Grief makes it hard to write, but you deserve to know why I am delayed in departing this land. At the moment, I am trapped in Latvia due to the up-rising in my country. I do not know how long it may be before I am allowed to travel to England to join you. There is a guard placed outside my gate to prevent my departure at present, but I will travel to Rica at the first opportunity and board a ship to London. Perhaps all will settle quickly. I can only pray it shall be so. I cannot wait to be in your arms again, to kiss your dear face and gaze into your eyes once more. With words, you painted a lovely picture of your home in England and of your relatives. The thought of meeting your family holds much pleasure for me, especially since I am now alone. Take care, My Love. I shall write to let you know as the hour of my departure grows closer. Keep safe and know you have my enduring love. Yours Always, Rebecca Sudduth * * * Another letter confiscated by the villain: The Year of Our Lord 1814 My Dearest Husband, I have not received any word from you since you sailed away from Latvia. I hope you are well. I must write quickly in order to send this to you. There is still a guard at my gate. With your connection in the government, perhaps you can return and help me travel to England. There will be one added person in need of your assistance, our son. If you cannot come at once, please write. I am most anxious to hear from you. Never forget my enduring love. Anxiously waiting. Yours Always, Rebecca Sudduth * * * About Wareeze Woodson: I am a native of Texas and still live in this great state. I married my high school sweetheart, years and years ago. We raised four children and have eight grandchildren, and grandchildren are Grand. At the moment, all my children and my grandchildren live within seventy miles of our home, lots of visits. My husband and I still love each other after all these years the stuff romance is made of, Happy Ever After! |
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