Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
![]() I'm thrilled to announce the release of a 4-book set, Highlanders, Lords and Lovers, by authors Elizabeth Rose, Ruth Kaufman, April Holthaus and myself. We will be hosting a book release party on facebook today, October 5, 2015, from 1-6pm CST. Join us for fun and prizes such as ebooks and four $25 Amazon gift cards. Also, if you hop to each of our author sites before 6pm CST today, collect the names of the mystery icons, then return to Elizabeth's site and enter them into the rafflecopter, you will be entered to win an ebook from each of us. Have fun! April Holthaus Ruth Kaufman Elizabeth Rose Highlanders, Lords and Lovers features two Scottish and two English medieval novels by bestselling authors. Only 99 cents for all four, or free with Kindle Unlimited. AMBER by Elizabeth Rose Can a pure dove change the morals of a devil or will he change her morals first? FOLLOW YOUR HEART by Ruth Kaufman When irresistible attraction makes their marriage of convenience inconvenient, will his dangerous secrets keep them from following their hearts? THE HIGHLANDER'S OUTLAW BRIDE by Cathy MacRae Forced into a marriage neither wants, it will take a king's edict and sacrifice from both to discover what love means. But can they accept their losses and learn from their mistakes before she marries another? HIGHLAND DAYDREAMS by April Holthaus As they travel across land and sea, they discover a secret about her past that's worth her weight in gold. Will he be able to keep his promise to return her to her family, knowing he may lose her forever? ![]() Access to endless wealth, homes scattered around the world, and the chance to move amongst the world's most beautiful and powerful, all for one lucky lady. Matrimonial Lotto. Enzo knew hundreds of women willing to kill for the opportunity. Carmella Moretti was not among them. 6/3/2015 0 Comments Thursday Threads![]() This week's Thursday Threads features The Highlander's Accidental Bride by - me! This also qualifies as a throwback Thursday as it was my first book published by Soul Mate Publishing. And to make things even better, it is on sale through June 7 on Amazon for only 99 cents! "Shocked to find herself married to the laird, Mary sees little to recommend her new life as Lady Scott. Until Laird Scott sets out to prove their accidental marriage was no mistake." Genre: Scottish Historical Romance Heat level: sensual Blurb: Chaos reigns between the Scott and Barde clans in 14th century Scotland. To end the generation’s long feud, King Robert II of Scotland decrees Eaden, Laird Scott, and Lady Miriam Barde wed with all haste. When marriage negotiations break down, King Robert threatens Eaden with the loss of his lands and title. Forced to take matters into his own hands, the laird kidnaps his bride, only to find the young woman he mistakenly drags to his marriage bed is not Laird Barde’s daughter, but her lady companion. Mary Marsh fights for her freedom from the laird and the unwanted marriage, refusing to accept her new life as Lady Scott. Realizing his error, Laird Scott develops an attachment to the feisty young woman he has accidentally married. Can he win her heart and convince her she is more than just a ‘duty’ to him? Or will the bond forged between the lady’s companion and the laird be destroyed by secrets and a feud that will not be laid to rest? Excerpt: King Robert frowned fiercely. “What have ye done?” he asked, his voice hard. “I’d tried speaking to Barde and doing things the traditional way. He was less than enthusiastic and mentioned hell freezing over as the only possible wedding date. His daughter was equally certain she’d no’ marry into the Scott clan.” Eaden shrugged. The feud between their families was generations old. He hadn’t wanted a Barde bride, either. “So I kidnapped her, carried her back to Scott Castle, and we married the same day.” King Robert sat bolt upright in his chair, shocked surprise clear on his slack-jawed face. “Ye kidnapped her?” He wheezed, unable to inhale a proper breath, and pointed an accusatory finger at Eaden. “Ye actually forced her to marry ye?” “Nay, Sire. I simply saw ‘twas done in a timely manner and without bloodshed.” “How certain are ye her father is not, this instant, standing before the walls of Scott Castle, demanding his daughter be returned to him? Are ye trying to promote peace or war?” Eaden gave an exasperated snort. “He cannae cry foul. I have the papers ye signed. And I have men keeping an eye on Barde.” He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. “The marriage is irrevocable. She is now well and truly my wife.” King Robert collapsed back into his chair. “Do ye no’ ken the ruinous upheaval yer actions could provoke? ‘Tis true I commanded the marriage. I know how ye dinnae favor the alliance. But kidnapping the lass is a far cry from having the marriage properly planned and executed!” The king stewed for a moment, as if consumed in vigorous contemplation. At last he shrugged. “Scott.” His voice invoked not Eaden’s friend, but Robert II, King of Scotland. “Inasmuch as ye have followed my orders to the letter, if not their actual intent, I hereby commit yer title and land to ye and to yer descendants.” He leaned forward and clasped Eaden’s shoulder. “I hope ye dinnae have cause to regret yer hastiness.” Eaden winced. He already did. * * * Buy link: Facebook: Twitter: @CMacRaeAuthor |
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