Bits 'n Bobs Author Blog
3/19/2017 0 Comments The Winner Is . . .The winner of the gift card from Barbara Bettis is Sandra Tilley!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by, and to those who left comments. Always a joy to chat with readers!
3/17/2017 11 Comments Guest Author Barbara Bettis on St. Patrick's Day, a Book sale, and a giveaway!![]() Barbara Bettis is visiting today with some great info on St. Patrick. And, as a special treat, she's offering her book The Lady of the Forest for 99 cents for a limited time-- AND a chance to win a $5 gift certificate! So, read up on St. Patrick in her fun post below, scoop up a fantastic book at a fantastic price, and comment below for a chance to win the gift certificate! Happy St. Patrick's Day! from Barbara Bettis- Today my latest book goes on sale for 99 cents. Please check out The Lady of the Forest. AMAZON To celebrate, I’m giving away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one commenter. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ’Tis the Wearing of the Green, so pin on your shamrock, watch out for leprechauns and pass the corned beef and cabbage. ![]() Yes, the venerable observance named for Ireland’s primary patron saint has become a holiday throughout the world, often celebrated with parades. Like many holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, the commemoration has taken on multiple layers over the centuries. At its heart, March 17 is the day tradition says St. Patrick died. Originally it was a feast day, a day of spiritual renewal, and was celebrated from the 9th or 10th Century, although one source says the Catholic Church made it an official feast day in the 1600s. Who was St. Patrick? He was born in Roman Britain in about 385 AD of Roman-British descent. He says in his Confessio ( Confession) that at the age of 16, he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and taken to Ireland where he became a slave and tended sheep. After four years, he escaped when he had a dream in which God told him to go to the coast. He did, and found sailors willing to give him passage (after he prayed for God to give them a sign). He returned home, where, some years later he reported he had a vision of a man who handed him a letter headed “The Voice of the Irish.” When Patrick started to read, he heard the voices of many saying, 'We appeal to you, holy servant boy, to come and walk among us.'" This inspired him to study for the priesthood. He was ordained and eventually sent to Ireland, arriving March 25, in the year 433. Some traditions say he brought Christianity to Ireland, but other scholars report that Christian missionaries were already in Ireland when he arrived. However, he took his message throughout the countryside, converting thousands of people and building churches. ![]() He is said to have explained the Holy Trinity using the shamrock. This symbol proved effective, sources say, because the people were familiar with triads from their Celtic deities. However it occurred, St. Patrick was extremely successful in converting the Irish to Christianity. There are conflicting theories on the year of his death, but the most commonly accepted is 461. He was buried on cathedral hill, (where Down Cathedral later was built) in Downpatrick, about 21 miles south of what is now Belfast, Ireland. ![]() He drove the snakes from Ireland. That’s one of the most famous myths surrounding the saint. In fact, scientists say, there were never snakes on that island. These days, we’re so familiar with the celebratory nature of the holiday—wearing green, parades, corned beef and cabbage. Oddly enough, blue was always associated with St. Patrick. However, over the years various Irish rebellious organizations adopted green as their color and green has since been associated with Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day. Ironically, the first recorded St. Patrick’s Day parade was held —you guessed it—in the U.S. In 1762, Irish soldiers stationed with the British army in the Colonies marched in New York City. And that traditional Irish fare of corned beef and cabbage—isn’t. In Ireland, beef was too valuable to be eaten by the ordinary people. They dined on pork—bacon or ham. Not until immigrants arrived in the U.S. to find beef the cheaper meat did it supplant ham/bacon. ![]() Often associated with the Day’s celebration, yet not connected with St. Patrick, leprechauns are straight from the Celtic folk tales. They’re mischievous sprites who love to plague humans and who guard their treasure by fair means or foul. Perhaps mortals will never find the leprechauns’ gold at the end of the rainbow. But the culture of the world is richer for this holiday honoring the saint who was instrumental in bringing Christianity to Ireland and inspiring a tradition that—for one day—brings people of all nationalities together. Because as the saying goes, “On St. Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish.” * * * Sources: (The Tuatha de Dannan) * * * ![]() BLURB: He must pursue his enemy; she must protect her people. Can their love survive the duties that drive them apart? When her elderly husband dies, Lady Katherine fakes her own death and disappears into the forest with others escaping the brutish new lord. Determined to protect her people, she knocks the wrong man senseless. But Lord Henry isn’t an enemy, he’s the brother of her childhood friend. Although his tender confidence tempts her, she’s bound by duty. Henry of Chauvere has found the one lady he wants for his own, never mind she’s tied him hand and foot. When he learns the king has ordered her to wed Stonehill’s ruthless new master, he insists Kate seek haven with his sister. But she won’t desert her friends. Henry vows to solve her problem, provided he catches a traitor before the threat from Kate's past catches her. When a daring rescue compels Henry and Kate to join forces, their attraction grows into love. If only duty didn’t drive them apart. #Sale 99 cents: The Lady of the Forest. AMAZON * * * Thank you, Barbara! It was great to have your post on this St. Patrick's day! Readers, be sure to leave your comment below to be entered for a chance to win the gift certificate. If you do not wish to leave your email address (I promise to use it only to contact the winner), you'll need to check back in a couple of days to see if you've won. ~Cathy 3/17/2017 0 Comments St. Patrick's Day Special!DD and I would like to say thank-you to our readers and have put Highland Escape on sale for a few days.
Highland Escape: Fleeing the English army that murdered her family before her eyes, Anna Braxton rescues two young women, kidnapped by a barbaric Highland clan only to find herself unjustly imprisoned by the clan she aided. Disgusted by her treatment, she counters their belated offer of friendship with anger and distrust. But she does not count on the unexpected effect the laird’s son has on her heart. Duncan MacGregor does not understand his da’s command to imprison the young woman who saved his sister’s life. He is more than intrigued with Anna’s skill with a bow and sword—in fact, he is fascinated by everything about her, in spite of her lack of feminine wiles. Straightforward and with a deep-seated sense of honor, Anna Braxton disrupts his entire notion of a suitable woman. Trained as a warrior and unwilling to be any man’s chattel, Anna shuns the idea of marriage—until Duncan coaxes her into a world of acceptance and passion she never knew existed. He wants her as his wife. She will agree, but only on her own terms—conditions Duncan is not sure he can accept. ![]() Welcome to week 6 in our medieval villain hop! Today I have Sherry Ewing to share a look at the payment for a job ill-done in this excerpt from her book, A Knight to Call My Own. Excerpt: Lachlan spat into the dirt afore making his way to her horse. He removed the straps of leather from her reach, but continued to glare angrily as his brother’s retreating back. She supposed with the reins firmly held in the grip of a disgruntled man, such an act resolved any further temptation she may have had on her part to pursue another useless attempt to flee her captors... at least for now. ’Twas well she had listened to her inner voice of reason, instead of acting on her chance to leave her abductor far behind. She had a horrible feeling pass through her when she saw Calum reached for a dagger from the back of his belt. He came afore the man whose lapse in judgment had allowed Lynet to, however briefly, escape. “Me laird, I─” The soldier’s words got no further, as Calum raised his arm and slit the man’s throat. A look of disbelief swept briefly across the man’s face afore his eyes went blank. Calum carelessly wiped his dirk on the man’s tunic, giving him a slight push. * * * Follow along next week by checking out Laurel O’Donnell’s blog with excerpt #7 at Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo ![]() Thanks for joining me today for excerpt #5 in our Villain-themed blog hop. Rue Allyn is with me to share from her book, Knight Errant. The heroine has avoided one trap. Is the danger past? Excerpt #5: Juliana waited longer and longer still. She heard the city bells strike midday. Then more footsteps retreated from her door. She had avoided a trap. Robert would be proud of her. Feeling a bit silly now that the danger was past, she took the dagger in one hand the key in the other hand and walked to the door. She turned the key and stepped back. The door flew open, banging against the wall. A priest strode inside. Another man, a giant, followed him. Angry at their invasion, she drew herself up ready to send them away. Then the priest lowered his hood. “Basti!” Juliana gasped and hid the dagger in the sleeve of her shirt. Fear threatened to swamp her anger. She must not let him see her fright. She firmed her stance, determined to resist him at all costs. * * * Add a comment and let me know what you think. Follow along next week by checking out Laurel O’Donnell’s blog for excerpt # 6 Blurb from Knight Errant: If Sir Robert Clarwyn can't find a way to compel Lady Juliana Verault to return to England, he'll lose any chance of regaining his family lands and redeeming his heritage. Yet Juliana must complete her mission to improve her gender's future in the church. With danger and intrigue mounting, Robert and Juliana must rely on each other and risk everything … including their hearts. BUY LINKS: Amazon B & N iTunes Crimson Romance |
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